PVC Garage MAT Anti-Slip Mat

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Roa:Ka taea te whakarite
Taumaha:1.7kg /SQM
Tae:Ko te tae noa he Whero / Blue / Green / Grey, ka taea te whakarite i etahi atu tae i runga i te MOQ.
Mōkī:Peeke raranga
Utu:T/T, L/C
CBM:Ka taea e tetahi ipu 20GP te noho mo te 10,000 mita tapawha.

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua


Hangarau 1.Hollow, tohu wai me te paheke anti.Ko te hangarau 360-tohu, ka tere te kuhu ki roto i te wai kaore he para.
2. Ko nga tapa matotoru me te totoka, karekau nga whariki o te papa whakamarumaru e hee ana, he rite ki te whenua, he pai te ahua me te mau tonu.
3. Taiao tiaki PVC rauemi, kore-paitini me te reka.

Ngā āhuatanga

1. Anti-slip, he pai ake te horoi.Ka roa, ka taea te horoi me te whakamarie.
2.Waterproof , fireproof, dustproof , eco-friendly, anti-static.
3.Corrosion ātete me te mau&roimata ātete.
4.Good Mata me Anti-paheke mata hoki.Te mura o te mura
5.Quick tāuta me te hanga
6.He pai te elasticity, he toka toka, he oranga pai te whakamahi.
7. Whakamahia nga rauemi mata o te ao me nga taapiri, kaua e tawhito me te memenge.
8. He kaha te kirikiri kirikiri, ngawari te horoi, horoia ki te wai.
9. Haumaru kore-paitini tātai, pupuri kiritaki i roto i te māia, mahi me te taiao.


1. Q: He aha to raihana papa vinyl PVC?
A: Ko ta matou papa vinyl PVC kei runga i te 100% wahine PVC rauemi.Ko te whakamana he 20-25 tau mo te whakamahi noho, me te 10-15 tau mo te whakamahi arumoni.

2.Q: Me pehea e mohio ai ahau kei te rite to papa ki to whakaahuatanga?
A: Ko ta matou kaupapa ko te Kounga te tuatahi me te tauira kore utu e waatea ana mo to aromatawai.Ko ia taahiraa e tino whakahaerehia ana e te roopu QC, a ka taea te tuku i te Tohu Papa, Tiwhikete CE me te SGS mo to tohutoro.

3. Q: Kei te wātea nga tauira?
A: Ko te tikanga.Kei te waatea te tauira kore utu.Ka taea e koe te whiriwhiri tika i nga tauira mai i a maatau taonga.ka taea ranei e matou te tauira kia rite ki to hoahoa tae e hiahiatia ana.

4. Q: He aha te wa whakaputa toharite?Me pehea e taea ai e au te tiki i te papa i te waa?
A: Ko ta matou wa whakaputa toharite kei te 30 ra.E 4 nga raina hou hei whakarite i to wa tuku.

5. Q: Ka taea e koe te tuku hoahoa tarapi kia rite ki nga tono a nga kaihoko?
A: Ko te tikanga.Ka whakaratohia e matou he ratonga OEM.

Whakaahua Taipitopito


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